Democracy in Motion has a lot to say about Europe!
Do.., 12 Juni 2014On May 25 there were elections to the European parliament, and abstention regained in most European countries. But what young Europeans think? Do they think that a better European Union is possible? The youth of Democracy in Motion asks for other ways of doing politics closest to the citizen’s interest. Pau from Barcelona, Sara from Germany and Phoebus from Greece answer our questions about Europe!
- Will you vote for the European elections 2014? Do you have your vote already decided?
Sarah / Germany: Yes, I will vote and I made my decision about my vote already.
Pau / Catalonia: I will vote for sure, but I still don’t know which is the party I am going to vote.
Phoebus / Greece : Yes, I will definitely vote. Some may claim that one vote does not count, but for me, if you want to be counted as a citizen you have definitely to vote. Furthermore EU elections are of equal if not higher importance from the national ones.. - Do you think that young people will participate?Sarah / Germany: : Most of my friends and other young people I talked to about the European elections will participate and vote. Nevertheless, I am pessimistic with regard to the overall amount of young voters. In Germany the turnout of young voters has been continuously decreasing over the last decades and the last years in particular. I don’t expect a change of trend.
Pau / Catalonia: : I think the participation will increase regarding to the last elections. If I’m not wrong, the participation was quite low, the 16% I believe
Phoebus / Greece :It seems that young people do not participate in traditional forms of political engagement. This is why the participate to other forms which are more or less “informal” they participate to NGO’S and other organization and they try to shape the future through different routes. But I think and hope that young people will definitely vote and this is because of the financial crisis (in my opinion) - Why do you think it’s important (or not) to vote?
Sarah / Germany: In my opinion what makes participation in this year’s elections enormously important is the prevention of populist and right wing parties to gain power. Thus, staying at home and not going to vote will weaken even more the European Union. In general I think that the vote should not be the only participative element provided for the people. Yet, I believe that people should take the opportunity to give their vote since it still constitutes the legitimacy of the political system we currently live in
Pau / Catalonia: Now more than before, we are screwed! We need a change
Phoebus / Greece: As I previously said, if you want to be counted you (WE) should vote.
- In your opinion, what will be the final result?Sarah / Germany: The percentage of EU skeptics and those even declining it will increase. I think that the conservatives will gain power and that populist and right wing parties will do, as well.
Pau / Catalonia: Per desgracia crec que pp s’emportara un bon pesic de vots, potser algun partit mes jove i d’esquerres sortira com a tercera opcio.
Phoebus / Greece: It is difficult for the whole Europe. because Euroscepticism is gaining ground, and the right wind parties some more strong. It is for sure that this year’s elections re very important for EU’s future.
- Which is the key issue that the parliament should treat with urgency?Sarah / Germany: For me it is rather a general question of what the EU should treat with urgency as the parliament is not the key decision-maker. We are still facing the Euro crisis which has clearly revealed that it is not only restricted to a financial but social and political crisis. Therefore, in my opinion the deficit of democracy and transparency should be dealt with since it concerns so many if not all issues. For instance, why does the elected European parliament not have the legislative initiative and important issues are decided on by other bodies and, most of all, are virtually hidden from the citizens (e.g. as to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership)?
Pau / Catalonia: The loss of the rights of citizens, the interests of the markets, lobbyists, corrupt political parties, etc. …
Phoebus / Greece: In my opinion they should decide if the want a united a strong Europe, or if they want to support just the economically strong countries.