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Blog : Action

Do., 27 Juni 2024

Naxos als Lebensraum

Naxos ist als Lebensraum nutzbar – Arbeiten, Gestalten, Kontemplation, das Leben mit der Natur und den Menschen kommunikativ verändern ist möglich. Seit Jahrhunderten haben sich kollektive Arbeits- und Lebensformen auf […]

Di., 07 Mai 2024

AGORA HANNOVER – Αγορά Ανόβερο

Wir arbeiten in Hannover an einem dauerhaften Beteiligungsrat durch Zufallsauswahl. Ein konsultatives Beteiligungsgremium für alle wichtigen Themen. Dazu thematische BÜRGER*INNENRÄTE. Alle Bürgeraktivitäten brauchen eine AGORA HANNOVER für öffentlichen Sitzungen, Konsultation, […]

Di., 22 Juli 2014

Democracy – a political system for the rich of the world?

Democracy – a political system for the rich of the world? was being discussed during our 3rd Forum Democracy in Motion taking place in Hanover. Like we had specifically taken a look at Catalonia and Sicily during Forum I and II, this time we brought Greece as an example for the credibility crisis of parliamentary democracy that is currently existent in many societies. We invited locals to speak about and discuss this question (not only limited to Greece of course) with our Greek guest Prof. Dr. Georgios Mentis, professor at the Law School of the University of Athens.

Fr., 28 Februar 2014

When demonstrations are not enough

Civil disobedience and nonviolent direct actions are tools to make our campaigns more effective and allow us to ask ourselves about the effectiveness of our actions; because we want to see real changes happen

Di., 07 Januar 2014

PARK(ing) Day. Reclaiming public spaces

Sofia Kozanidou / Greece. PARK(ing) Day is an event that is being held annually since 2005. It’s global character helps citizens, artists and activists to temporarily transform parking spaces into […]

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