Blog : Artivism
Di., 07 Mai 2024
Wir arbeiten in Hannover an einem dauerhaften Beteiligungsrat durch Zufallsauswahl. Ein konsultatives Beteiligungsgremium für alle wichtigen Themen. Dazu thematische BÜRGER*INNENRÄTE. Alle Bürgeraktivitäten brauchen eine AGORA HANNOVER für öffentlichen Sitzungen, Konsultation, […]
Fr., 19 April 2024
Wir haben PROTERRA im Frühjahr 1987 in Naxos und Hannover gegründet. Als eingetragener Verein ist PROTERRA gemeinnützig für Wissenschaft und Forschung, für Bildungskooperation in Hochschulen und Schulen, für Naturschutz und […]
Fr., 28 Februar 2014
Art street make people realize some things that happen around them and -sometimes- they cannot see. In Greece, these years that the country is lost in crisis street art has „bloomed“, something that was not happening some years ago
Mo., 27 Januar 2014
ple from all over Italy joined the movement to say NO MUOS and NO to the militarization of Sicily and Italy, with demonstrations, peaceful resistance, artivism, road-blocks, by settling lawsuits and pointing the No MUOS demands out to the Parliament.
Di., 07 Januar 2014
Sofia Kozanidou / Greece. PARK(ing) Day is an event that is being held annually since 2005. It’s global character helps citizens, artists and activists to temporarily transform parking spaces into […]
Do., 02 Januar 2014
Nowadays, things do not have change. But we change (as Thoreau was saying). For that reason, modern nonviolent actions and civil disobedience has taken a different route. To be more specific, one new form of this type of activism is Clown Army that uses clowning and nonviolent tactics to act against corporate globalization, war, and on other issues.