European Congress with participants from Greece, Germany, Italy, Israel, Morocco, Palestine and Spain

Fr., . 10. Aug | So., . 19. Aug | Hannover

Declaration of the “Democracy in Motion I”- Network

We are people from Greece, Germany, Italy, Israel, Morocco, Palestine and Spain. Today we live in different societies and face different problems in our everyday life. Because of that be do work on different tasks for the democratic development of our communities. But in spite of the differences between cultures and countries, we strongly feel connected because we share the same basic needs, desires and ideals. Great one!
We feel that because of the economical crisis, it is necessary to communicate our beliefs and ideas more clear. People all over the world share almost the same needs and dreams for a world where all people could be equal .

• Principles
We are all equal.
We respect minorities.
We avoid violence.
We believe in life-long personal and social development.
We respect our differences.
We try to understand and respect each other.
We need humor.
We need creativity.

• Claims
We want to be free.
We want unity, justice and solidarity.
We want to be open-minded, direct and transparent.
We want to raise awareness and involve people.

• Procedures
We prefer consensus decision-making over majority decision-making process.
We work on non-hierarchical structures.
We balance the individual will and the group goal.
We share responsibilities
We need to create social networks (transnational).

Ort: Hannover

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