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Sa.., 15 Februar 2025


Neues PROTERRA PROJEKT Die Brücke der Ägäis – Hannover, Bremen, Athen, Izmir   Die Brücke der Ägäis führt insbesondere junge Aktivist*innen mit der tausende Jahre alten Kultur dieses ägäischen Raumes […]

Mo.., 04 November 2024

Kooperation Hannover-Athen-Naxos-Izmir-Selcuk

„BRÜCKE DER ÄGÄIS“ Die Brücke der Ägäis entsteht seit Anfang des Jahres 2024 bei PROTERRA. Sie verbindet sich nun mit der Stadt Hannover, der Städtepartnerschaft Bremen-Izmir und zahlreichen griechischen und […]

Di.., 22 Juli 2014

Democracy – a political system for the rich of the world?

Democracy – a political system for the rich of the world? was being discussed during our 3rd Forum Democracy in Motion taking place in Hanover. Like we had specifically taken a look at Catalonia and Sicily during Forum I and II, this time we brought Greece as an example for the credibility crisis of parliamentary democracy that is currently existent in many societies. We invited locals to speak about and discuss this question (not only limited to Greece of course) with our Greek guest Prof. Dr. Georgios Mentis, professor at the Law School of the University of Athens.

Do.., 10 Juli 2014

Refugee day in Hannover

Since one month 40 refugees from Sudan occupie the Weißekreuzplatz in Hanover city to fight against the german laws for refugees, which prohibit leaving the city, working and getting medical care (except it’s a case of emergency). Moreover the refugees fight against their deportation and for the right to stay here

Do.., 19 Juni 2014

The real emergency

The continual arrivals of immigrants on the south coasts is the most evident aspect, exploited not only by the media, but also by the Italian institutions in order to have more money to counteract departures from the African coasts, rather than to improve the reception

Fr.., 11 April 2014

Barcelona and the difficult coexistence with the tourism

The documentary „Bye bye Barcelona“ analyzes this phenomenon and questions whether the decision-makers in the city have to work only for the economic benefit or have to take into account the welfare of the residents and be committed for the responsible tourism. Barcelona is not what it seems to be and it is time to wonder… is this the city where we want to live?

Fr.., 28 März 2014

Annexion der Krim

At the so-called referendum of March 16 almost 97% of living, dead and unborn people in Crimea, of any ethnicity and nationality, voted for the unification of Crimea with Russia. The supervisors and observers present at referendum wore green and were armed.

Do.., 20 März 2014

Iaioflautes. The never ending struggle

IaIoflautas, literally, Grandparents flutes are, as they call themselves, the generation that fought and got a better life for their children. The name itself says so much about them. It comes from the original spanish concept Perroflauta

Fr.., 28 Februar 2014

Democracy – Europe and the XXII Century

Western democracy is suffering mutations and its final form will depend from these and the forces existing within societies that will shape it.

Fr.., 28 Februar 2014

When demonstrations are not enough

Civil disobedience and nonviolent direct actions are tools to make our campaigns more effective and allow us to ask ourselves about the effectiveness of our actions; because we want to see real changes happen

Fr.., 28 Februar 2014

Street Art – Crisis Art 2014

Art street make people realize some things that happen around them and -sometimes- they cannot see. In Greece, these years that the country is lost in crisis street art has „bloomed“, something that was not happening some years ago

Mo.., 27 Januar 2014

No MUOS. A campaign for demilitarization of Sicily

ple from all over Italy joined the movement to say NO MUOS and NO to the militarization of Sicily and Italy, with demonstrations, peaceful resistance, artivism, road-blocks, by settling lawsuits and pointing the No MUOS demands out to the Parliament.

Di.., 07 Januar 2014

PARK(ing) Day. Reclaiming public spaces

Sofia Kozanidou / Greece. PARK(ing) Day is an event that is being held annually since 2005. It’s global character helps citizens, artists and activists to temporarily transform parking spaces into […]

Do.., 02 Januar 2014

Clown Army. A different nonviolent route.

Nowadays, things do not have change. But we change (as Thoreau was saying). For that reason, modern nonviolent actions and civil disobedience has taken a different route. To be more specific, one new form of this type of activism is Clown Army that uses clowning and nonviolent tactics to act against corporate globalization, war, and on other issues.

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